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So far admin has created 16 blog entries.

Insights 13/15 from the 3rd Asia Dengue Summit


SAGE recommended preferred approach to dengue vaccine is prevaccination screening with only confirmed dengue-seropositive persons receiving vaccination. The alternate approach using population seroprevalence, involves mass vaccination in identified high seroprevalence [...]

Insights 13/15 from the 3rd Asia Dengue Summit2020-02-06T17:06:36+08:00

Insights 7/15 from the 3rd Asia Dengue Summit


Digital surveillance involving real-time, customizable, web based information systems, allow monitoring of cases, alert outbreaks, identify resources and operational costs, determine efficacy of vector control strategies. Join us at the [...]

Insights 7/15 from the 3rd Asia Dengue Summit2020-02-06T15:43:25+08:00
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